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Our Policies

Missed appointments and delays 

For any delay of 10 minutes or more or missed appointment, we will apply one of the following three measures:

  • Moving your appointment to later in the day; Where

  • A postponement of your appointment to another day; Where

  • The request to communicate again with the reception to fix another appointment.

The measure applied by the professional will be determined according to his/her level of occupation, your availability and of course the reason justifying your delay or your absence.

You must notify us at least 24 hours in advance of any changes or cancellations to your appointment. If you do not follow this procedure:

  • a written notice will be entered in your medical file; what's more,

  • you will have to pay the $20 fee for each late or missed appointment before you can get your next appointment;

  • after three delays or three missed appointments, we can proceed to the definitive and final cancellation of your registration as a patient of the clinic.

Medication Renewal 

You are responsible for ensuring that your prescriptions are refilled, either by making an appointment at the clinic or by contacting your pharmacy. The pharmacist will be able to send a renewal request by fax, which will be returned to him once the medication has been re-prescribed by your doctor.

A minimum period of 72 business hours is required for any renewal request; however, a longer delay may be required when your healthcare professional is not available. If a prescription is more than six months old, the professional may refuse your refill request or refill a small amount of medication from your prescription. Therefore, you will need to make an appointment so that your state of health can be reassessed. This measure is intended to ensure effective and safe monitoring of your medication.

Also, if you need to take narcotics, you will need to sign a contract before you can get this type of medicine. If this contract is breached, we reserve the right to stop prescribing narcotics for you and your status as a patient on the Family Health Team will be reassessed. In the absence of your doctor, it is up to the substitute doctor to decide whether or not to renew your prescription.

After hours and Holidays

By choosing to become a patient of our Family Health Team, you agree to receive all of your primary care at our clinic. Unless you need immediate care, or are out of town, we ask that you call the clinic to request an appointment before seeing another health facility or go to the emergency room.
However, if you need assistance outside of service hours, you are invited to contact  TELEHEALTH ONTARIO   at 1-866-797-0000. This is a free and confidential telephone service available 24/7. You will get advice and recommendations on your health.

Scent-free workplace

The OSCFEO is a scent-free workplace and the use of scented products is prohibited at all times as they may cause adverse physical effects that threaten the health and safety of our employees and patients( es). We ask for everyone's cooperation in addressing employee health issues and minimizing unnecessary health and safety risks.

Scented products can adversely affect a person's health, and the following symptoms may appear:

  • Headache

  • Dizziness / Vertigo

  • Nausea

  • Fatigue / Weakness

  • Confusion / Uneasiness

  • Loss of appetite / Insomnia

  • Depression / Anxiety

  • Airway issues / Shortness of breath

People with allergies and asthma as well as those with other conditions report that certain smells, even very faint ones, can trigger an attack. The severity of these symptoms can vary. Some people report mild irration while others become incapacitated and have to give up many "normal" activities to avoid exposure.
Employees will be expected to abide by this policy and not use scented products. Visitors and employees will be informed of this policy through signs posted at both clinics. Your cooperation is appreciated in this regard.

Violence-free workplace


All Team members are expected to show respect for our customers. In return, no rude or aggressive behavior will be tolerated on the part of our patients. Any unacceptable behavior may lead to a warning (verbal/written), the postponement of an appointment or even the cancellation of your registration as a patient of the clinic.

If you need forms completed by your doctor, you can submit it   through our secure portal  Health Myself ; drop them off in person, mail them or fax them. Please allow 4-6 weeks for completion. This is not considered an emergency, so emergency evening appointments will not be accepted for this type of request. Additional charges may be requested at the discretion of the health care provider.

File transfer

A file transfer will be made once the form entitled: signed authorization to disclose confidential information is received and the payment of the administrative fee of $30 is paid. The information will then be transmitted on an encrypted cd sent by secure postal mode. The signed authorization can be faxed to 613-590-7351 or 613-745-5670.
Note that the Access to Information Act obliges us to keep your file for a minimum period of 10 years.

Communication of results

During the visit, it will be agreed between you and the speaker the means that will be used to communicate the results of the last examinations.
Staff are not permitted to report results that have not been reviewed by the physician or NP first.
You are encouraged to make an appointment to discuss any results.

Confidentiality of your personal information

We respect the confidentiality of your personal information. A signed personal information informed consent form is required for any sharing of confidential information with external partners. Our internal policies comply with the Personal Health Information Protection Act (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act 1990). 

Feedback process

Communication is at the heart of harmonious relationships. We are receptive to your comments and suggestions in order to improve your experience within the Team. To this end, we encourage you to share your comments through your doctor, or any other member of staff. You are also encouraged to complete the annual patient experience satisfaction survey available during the fall and winter season.
For a formal complaint, submit it in writing to the attention of the  Director General of the ÉSFCEO . A follow-up will be done within 7 days of receipt of the complaint.


For after-hours assistance, call Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000. Their service is confidential, free and available 24/7.

If you or someone you know is going through a mental health crisis, call Tel-Aide at 613-741-6433, a free, confidential service available 24/7.

Information for patients 
Contact Us 

East Ottawa Community Family Health Team

1811 St Joseph Blvd, Orleans, ON K1C 7C6

225 Donald St Unit 120, Ottawa, ON K1K 1N1

You may arrange accessible feedback and we will supply accessible formats upon request

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